Been in love that what all us woman want in need, we look for that in life, nothing but happies and love, when you put yur all in a man and he tell yu that he love that makes yu feel real good about been with him, but when things star falln apart and aint going how yu plan us woman always end up getn our heart broke, and that sumthing we run from, we dont like give man our all and love we dont like put our hearts in the man becasue we live from the past ans dont wanna go thur that same thing we went thur befor, i was in love he was my 1st everything i ut mi all in him and he made me happy we had alot of things in comment, we both play basketball and like the same sode, we love too watch movies together, and have movies that we love alot, When it was time for me too grow up i told him i would never change becasue i love him and i was always gunna be there for him becasue i loved him, i went too college and we was still together, then we got in this big fight that last for months, and which i didnt get, i went home on weekend too find out that he was dating my cuzn, this da same boy that i was with for 2 yrs and he just trun'd his back on me, i was hurt and heartbroken like wow, i tol mself that i wouldnt let anyother guy hurt me like he did, so i stay away from guys that wasnt look for more that i was looking for, we still speak and it times when we talk and he say i still love yu and always will but im thinking too miself if yu loved me yu would never hurt me like yu did, yu dont love me, but the tables turned when i would a guy that made me happy ans he found out about it, he was lost and say he was hurt but my question still to this day is, how is yu hurt when yu did the dirt and now yu see that i found sumbody that makes me happy yu wanna run back in my life, wow, us woman seem like we got hurt more then man too, we close off the good man just because the one's we had in the past broke our hearts and we scared too let any one too heart us, like there are so many chances that we just may find the one that wont breakout hearts. geting yur heart broke stress yu out because yu dont kno what to with out liveing in the past, we learn from our past and live for out future.


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